Saturday, July 9, 2011

We've got the beat

I arrived back in New York yesterday. Happy to be home, but sad to leave. Thank you to everyone who has been following along on my trip with me! The positive responses and love I received from many of you has meant so much. I have a few more wrap-up posts to do now so I hope you'll follow with me a bit longer :) Especially now that I can upload videos!

Drumming was a very integral part of my entire Senegal experience. Music is so intertwined with life here, and the drum (called a tam-tam) is significant in many of it's rituals. The beat is seemingly transcendent in its ability to connect individuals, to draw you in deeper than any words ever could. At Sobo Bade, we were fortunate enough to experience the most incredible drumming performance.

We saw drumming used to worship, to welcome, to motivate, to express, to socialize, and above all, to celebrate life. 

I've added videos featuring more drumming to my posts on "Village Life" and Wrestling.

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